Areas of Concern

Gender identity ideology is having a range of impacts in Canadian society. While gender identity is being promoted to Canadian children and the Canadian public under an “inclusivity” and “diversity” agenda, it’s becoming clear that the policies and treatment of individuals under this new mandate are resulting in a “denial of the body” message for children, the erasure of females as a sex-based political class and the loss of female-only sports and safe spaces.

One of the most concerning areas of impact is in our healthcare system, where a cautious “wait and see” approach has been replaced by unquestioned “gender affirmation”.

Mental Health Co-morbidities

Trans-identified youth are an extremely vulnerable population given the prevalence of mental health and neurodevelopmental co-occurring conditions. Here’s what we know about a few mental health conditions and their interplay with gender distress. Read more…

Puberty Blockers

Puberty blockers are being offered to children at the first visit to a gender clinic in 62% of cases, according to recent research conducted by the Trans Youth Can team. Learn more about the risks and usage of puberty blockers in Canada here. Read more…

Harms of Gender Affirmation Care

The long term outcomes of treatment with puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries (gender affirmation care) are largely unknown. Young people are read a list of potential side effects before they sign an “informed consent” form to start treatment. What is not relatable in reading a list of potential side-effects and risks are the human impacts of these treatments. We document these below. Read more…

WPATH vs Evidence Reviews

Canadian provincial healthcare systems use the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) guidelines to assess the insurability of gender healthcare services, however, there’s a growing divergence of medical opinion between WPATH (and the Canadian group CPATH) and several independent groups of medical professionals, including the National Institute of Healthcare Excellence of the UK, the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, the Finland National Health System and the Florida Boards of Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine. Read more…


A review of the latest research on detransition and a discussion about the current landscape facing detransitioners. Read more…

Gender Identity Ideology in Schools

A primer for parents. Read more…

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